Saturday 19 September 2015

currently #5


Another seven day work week. I see more and more why God created a day of rest. We need the Spiritual refreshment, but our bodies need to rest from work as well. However, sin came in, and so people have heart issues and babies and accidents on Sunday too...


Literally everything else. Incoming parcels. De-bonding of the ol' braces. Movie night. Planes. Prairies. Brothers. Road trips. Friends. Family. Wedding times.


A dozen days in advance.


Dad outside on the tractor doing... I'm not really sure. Something with dirt and steel and the new deck. I think.


Apple crisp and vanilla ice cream. And cinnamon buns.


For the hockey season to start. Yes, I'm one of those Canadian Girls.

Monday 14 September 2015


A small word. Much used. Much misused.

I have pondered many a time on the use of this word. I have judged people who have used it. I have justified myself to use it.

I think the biggest problem is this word has a selfish, and an ungrateful notation to it. It has become a self-gaining, self-pitying word. It is used to make people praise the busy one. It is used to make people pity the busy one.

But. Is busy bad? Is busy about self?

Busy should be 'the time I have been given by God is utterly consumed in Kingdom work. There's none left for my own self endeavors. And He is good. He will provide.'

So how do you know if you are truly busy, or if you just are using your time unwisely?

I would ask myself these questions.

Did I choose my busy? If so, that's not busy, that's doing as you please.

Do I have time to think about or talk about my busy? If so, think again, my friend.

Do I glorify my busy? If so... Need I say more?

The person who is truly selflessly and humbly busy is the last person you will hear use the word. They do not care that they are busy, they may not even know it. Their time is not their own.

Also, do not be so proud as to never use the word. If you are too busy, and if your priorities are starting to get out of order, seek help. In Exodus 18, Moses' father-in-law observed that Moses had too much on his plate and said 'it is not good', and that he and the people would wear themselves out. His solution was to seek help, from 'abled men'. See? It's not even about being busy here, it's about the good of the people and the serving and obeying of God.

And that's what your day should be. Whether every hour is filled or whether you have time enough on your hands to complete your tasks easily, your time is His. It is doubly His. Because He made you, and he bought you. With His life, and in His time.