Sunday, 20 January 2013

that gift...

Prayer. A gift of grace. A means of grace.

It is a gift, but not an option. It is an obligation. We are called to know God more, but without prayer we could not. It is not a gift to use as we please, it is a gift from God so we can do what He has called us to do; that is to seek his face.

Prayer is to stand before God, to be in His presence. And you know what is amazing? He calls us to seek Him, He tells us to ask of Him. I just can't get beyond that sometimes, that we don't deserve a mite of grace and then Jesus tells us to ask, seek, and knock, and we will be heard.

What a wonderful promise, what amazing grace.

Monday, 14 January 2013

getting back in the swing of things... sorta

Entering week two of semester two. 14 more to go. (Including the week after exams when we all sit around waiting for the grad and sweating about our final mark, [just kidding about the last part] it'll be great. [except we have to clean the apartment like never before, literally] )

I'm told it'll fly by, and I am sure it will. Looking at our workload I wonder why I sweated last semester. But then, don't things always work out in the end anyway? On Friday we were given the syllabus for one of the heavier courses and we kinda freaked out. Afterwards I was talking to my roommate and I asked her what really is the worst thing that could happen. Her reply: lose our salvation, but we can't.

Conclusion: it's going to be perfectly fine. We may come close to failing a test, we may get 2 minutes of sleep once in a while, we may have to work hard and dread what is ahead, but it'll be fine. 

Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, this was my study buddy for the weekend. It was a good weekend. :)

Friday, 11 January 2013


To expect fruit is to say you deserve something from God.
Nothing is a given. Everything is a gift.
