Monday 16 December 2013

when you just can't write

It's not that I can't write.

I just don't want to write.

Well, I want to write, I just don't want to write something that I don't think is very good.

But I was reminded very early this morning while reading another blogger that it doesn't have to be earth shattering. Just write.

And not only that, just write for others. It's not even about you.

It's about the enjoyment of your readers.

It's about encouragement.

It's hard to make it that way sometimes. We make it about not revealing our weaknesses. We make it about perfect editing and smart, funny statements and profound points.

We make it about us.

If you walked in on me right now you'd see messy hair cause that's the last thing I want to do when I get up.

You'd probably see makeup in the wrong places because I rubbed my eyes but didn't look in the mirror yet to make sure everything is okay.

You'd see wet yoga pants and a dirty T-shirt because I was too lazy to put on snow pants when I ran outside spontaneously.

And if you got to peak inside my heart...

You'd see frustration and worry and pride and so many other things.

But we don't let you see this stuff. Not on a blog. And when we do admit we're weak it's okay because we're admitting it willingly. We're not getting caught unwillingly.

Even now I'm reading over this post and thinking it's very scattered and the first sentence has nothing to do with what I'm writing right now.

Whatever. I'm just going to post it and wish you all a happy Monday. I hope you can smile a lot today and in your heart too. And if you haven't already had your fill of reminders of the real meaning of Christmas, I hope you can truly truly keep doing grace. Because of Christ. Because of hope.

Love you all!


  1. Thank you Lauren. Always.
    And this sentence (when we do admit we're weak it's okay because we're admitting it willingly. We're not getting caught unwillingly) is just so very true and convicting.
    P.S. Keep writing, But then... you already have that one figured. :)
    xo ~Liv

    1. thanks for the encouragement, Olivia! Love hearing from you girls too :) :)
