Thursday 27 March 2014


Because my biggest board on Pinterest is the one where I store things well said....

Because His will be done. And because His grace is sufficient. 

Because Christ did this. He totally made this love manifest. 

Just replace 'man' with 'God'. Yes. 

Because your eyes should always be on Christ. 

Because of everything else. 

Friday 14 March 2014

Five Minute Friday: making the most

I had this strange sensation of panic the other day.

That I wouldn't make the most of tomorrow.

I wanted to make the most of every moment with my family, with the sunshine, with music, with food, with everything.

I wanted every minute spent with my family to be joyful. I wanted to soak in all the sunshine I could. I only wanted to listen to the most favourite of my favourite songs. And I didn't want to waste my taste buds on anything I didn't like.


Not really sure. I think it has something to do with spring. Something to do with that strange new energy that I get this time every year. It makes me want to do amazing, beautiful things. All the time.


I can't do that.

So I crash. And burn. And get mad. And become lazy. And make the worst out of everything.


Conclusion? umm........

How to make the most of your day: don't go there. Just don't. Just live. Just do grace, and smiles. Lots and lots of them.

And remember. What is here today will be gone tomorrow. So those seconds in the sun, and those tunes, and that food; whatev. Just whatev.

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Monday 10 March 2014


I've decided the best kind of vacations you can have are the ones where you make the most best memories.

And you usually need people to make good memories.

And pretty awesome people at that.

You don't necessarily need a different climate. Or satellite T.V. Or super, amazing, professionally cooked food.

What else do you do with three feet of snow? 

On the contrary, frigid temperatures, zero internet, and good old fashioned home cooked dinners prepared by someone who can't smell and has lost some sense of taste can make for a pretty sweet vacation.

Because that cook is someone so dear, I'm not sure I can explain it.

Tea Time

I think someday I would like to go somewhere tropical, to escape the winter and get a tan before everyone else. But for now I am simply reflecting on a boatload of memories made in Northwestern Ontario, made with dear people who are either much older than me or much younger than me. I find you learn the most from people who are not your peers. And you can enjoy your time with them so very much.

Wal-Mart Chillin'

Yup. It was going out for a vegetarian Valentine's Day dinner with cousins and aunt that was so unique. It was bringing in young, lively spirits (and music) to the elderly that was so rewarding. It was getting up early to watch hockey before breakfast with many excited little people that was so thrilling. It was going cross-country skiing with a chatty young fellow and spotting porcupines that was so entertaining. It was hanging out with engineer uncle that was so fascinating. It was competitive games of Holland Memory that got feisty. And it was spending calm, quiet evenings with Oma that was so, so special.

Go Canada! 

I can't say I would have ever chosen to only have younger cousins or elderly grand-people surrounding me for three weeks, but I think I would now. Because being a care-free kid is so fun and relaxing. And just sitting and listening and learning from those who have gone before you is so sobering. My little cousins really taught me that there is so much fun to be had, as long as you just don't care. And my Oma taught me how short and precious every moment in life is. And how good I have it. Oh, I have had it so good.

Cross-Country Skiing

I don't think I would have learned this in Hawaii.

Unless those people were there too. :)