Friday 14 March 2014

Five Minute Friday: making the most

I had this strange sensation of panic the other day.

That I wouldn't make the most of tomorrow.

I wanted to make the most of every moment with my family, with the sunshine, with music, with food, with everything.

I wanted every minute spent with my family to be joyful. I wanted to soak in all the sunshine I could. I only wanted to listen to the most favourite of my favourite songs. And I didn't want to waste my taste buds on anything I didn't like.


Not really sure. I think it has something to do with spring. Something to do with that strange new energy that I get this time every year. It makes me want to do amazing, beautiful things. All the time.


I can't do that.

So I crash. And burn. And get mad. And become lazy. And make the worst out of everything.


Conclusion? umm........

How to make the most of your day: don't go there. Just don't. Just live. Just do grace, and smiles. Lots and lots of them.

And remember. What is here today will be gone tomorrow. So those seconds in the sun, and those tunes, and that food; whatev. Just whatev.

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