Sunday 5 June 2016

currently #6


Two little baby aloe plants. And like 1400 watermelon plants. Okay not quite. That would be a lot of watermelon. 


The happy happy birds. And Dream


Birthday cake tea. Best ever. 


Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground. 
Ps. 143:10 


My summer book Dandelion Wine. It's just something you should do. Start in May. Little by little. Story by story. It's like living two summers at once. 


Dairy. My life feels partly ruined. Like, ice cream, iced coffees. C'mon... 


Isn't that what we're always doing? Living in joyful hope. Not always happy, but joyful in hope.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Spring Chat

I love spring. It's so exciting.

And with the excitement comes restlessness. List making. Plan devising.

Gotta make that picnic happen for real this summer.
Go to the drive-in with the truck and portable radio and mounds of pillows and blankets and friends.
Campfires. Often.
Actually go to the ocean because you only live five minutes away.

(Let's not approach the subject of reality with a list of awesomeness like that)

Friday 12 February 2016

As the World Goes 'Round

I have yet to read Charles Dickens' Little Dorrit, but I have seen BBC's mini-series on the novel and quite love the story. There is a line in the TV series that I am not certain is in the book, but I still love its meaning: "As the world goes 'round, so it comes 'round again."

As I was just heading into a week of difficult shifts, I had to keep reminding myself that it always goes, and it always comes, over and over. That nothing bad comes without eventually leaving again, and the good things are not out of sight forever. And if you're in a hard spot, don't start running. Because sometimes you are on the bottom of the earth, but you need to stay put in order to come out on the top again. The world is always turning. You'll never be on the bottom forever.

The bad news is nothing lasts forever. The good news is nothing lasts forever. But God is always good. And glory be, He is our God.

Wednesday 27 January 2016



I will never be a truly consistent blogger. It's just not in my blood.

But. What is in my blood is pride.

So. I will never delete this blog in defeat. But will always keep it and write posts that contain a sentence or two about how long it's been since I've written and then I will expect the reader (hello? Do you even exist?) to get over it.

And that's what that was.

Over it yet?

Okay. Great.

*kitty pictures are not relevant whatsoever except that they belong to me and I like taking their pictures even though they really don't care*