Thursday 15 August 2013

new things

So I figured I had better blog about something, and soon. Lists make it easy, so I thought maybe a list of some new facts about myself would do. Let's see how long this takes.

1. I am now of legal drinking age. This failed however when I tried to purchase a bottle of wine as a gift for someone but had some friends with me who did not have their ID with them... and I was quite apparently not their mother.

2. I went to the first ARP youth rally held in the Annapolis Happy Valley.

3. I have braces... and a jaw spreader. Yuck.

4. This will be the first August since I was 13 that I will not be going to camp. Sad things happen.

5. I am related to some pretty crazy and amazing people.

6. I am unrelated to some pretty crazy and amazing people.

7. I decided that I may actually be undecided about a future career choice.

8. I am reading a book written by someone who has read my mind. Not really. Grace for the Good Girl - I highly recommend it.

9. I own a Canon T2i. I am glad about that.

10. I like writing short sentences. They state facts. Like this.

11. I have learned that I can't capture every good moment through the lens. But I still try. So I guess I didn't learn anything.

12. I have also learned that this very process of learning never ends. We always learn. We always want to really know the answer. But guess what, it's not the answer. It's a piece of the puzzle. And there is only one thing to really know about that puzzle; it will take a lifetime to finish it.

13. This is the first September in 13 years in which I will not have any school.

14. I stumble. A lot.

15. I am rescued. Every time.

16. I am trying to think of something profound and quote-worthy to end on but can only come up with this: Amazing Grace. It's always there, but it is always anew.

17. I just thought of something for a new blog post.

18. I just thought of something for two new blog posts.

19. I should stop now.

I didn't time that, but my computer is now overheated, supper is now ready and I'm now hungry. None of those things were before.


  1. I'm glad you are liking the book! have braces?! Also - that first item on the list is really funny. :)

    1. It's a great book, thanks for recommending it! :) Yes... braces :(
