Thursday 14 March 2013

Link #10

I wanted to end on a chuckle, and this one definitely serves well. :)

Burnt Suppers and Scraped Knees...: Potluck Politics

I know I don't have many readers, but if you would like to please share your favourite link in the comments! I love a good article or something for lunch break.  :)

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Link #9

I really was hoping to share one of these dear ladies' posts at one point. I would share them all, but for just one, this one.

Burnt Suppers and Scraped Knees...: Praying.

I just got back from prayer meeting myself; it strikes me every time. One comes with sorrow, and yet turns to the needs of others without a thought of their own. One comes in weakness and then prays for strength for others. One comes in confidence and turns to tears for the sake of another's uncertainty. Go to be a blessing, for the sake of Christ, for the furtherance of God's Kingdom and for the strengthening of His church.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Link #8

Take a moment... read...

A Holy Experience – Dear You… a letter for the hard days

Because there are hard days, because we have not reached glorification, because we do lack strength. Today I am thankful for those who have been graced with insight and words to communicate the joys and peace we have in Christ.

Things of realest beauty don’t bring us glory — but Him glory...

Saturday 9 March 2013

Link #7

I really like this post. I just really like it.

Practical Theology for Women: The Value of Quiet Husbands

There is so much to be said for a guy who doesn't say much, but who doesn't need to either. Some guys have great character along with talking, but the guy I admire has great quality, and words spoken only in necessity and wisdom. Quiet people take time and effort to get to know, but often it is really worth it. It's easy to like someone who can chat on and on and make the atmosphere really relaxed, but not necessarily beneficial. It takes getting to know a quiet person to learn that they really are awesome. And this doesn't just go for guys, I appreciate the quiet, word-wise woman as well.

Well, had an amazing afternoon with my cousin. Now to spring ahead... YUSSSSS!!!!

Friday 8 March 2013

Link #6

Time for a video.

Christine Caine - Liberty University Convocation - YouTube

It'll make you think. Hard. 

Love her accent, not so much the yelling. 

And if you want her last quotable quote, I fancied it up for ya. 

Thursday 7 March 2013

Link #5

Funny? Sad? Thoughtful? Are you sick of this? 

oh hey, and don't forget about the time change this weekend; spring forward, people! 

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Link #4

Okay, now for a laugh.

Unless you weren't moved by Link #2; fine, be emotionless. Life will be easier and more boring.

Watch this: Messy Mondays: 25 Things You Say When You Don't Know What to Say

Now say something...

And watch more of their videos... with caution. Listen to the good points, discern the drama. Thank you.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Link #3

I was going to do a funny one, but I think I'll save that for later. I feel a little more thought-provoking today.

My 'u' key is acting up on my key board... must be a sign.

Okay, so here is another good read. A really good read.

Big House in the Little Woods: The Singleness Epidemic

Okay, first of all, this is the only post I have read from this blog, so I can't recommend it like the other one. Secondly, I am aware that what she says here is quite a statement, bold, but not to be disregarded. Read it, think about it, and don't just apply it to relationships. What she says really has to do with life in seeking God's will and not just avoiding hurt and pain. She says it is the key to successful relationships; I say it is the key to more than that. Relationships are a part of life, in marriage, friendships, church family, etc...

So, give it a read, give it a thought. Let me know about yours.

Monday 4 March 2013

Link #2

When I want a good cry, I watch these. This one is pretty much my all-time favourite.

The Best Surprise Military Homecomings: PART ONE - YouTube

Here, here's a tissue.


I'm not weird, your cold.


Saturday 2 March 2013

favourites (Link #1)

Notice I spell it with a 'u'. My logic teacher would be very happy. But my web browser communicates it is not happy by rudely squiggling a red line under it.

So, I am going to share ten of my favourite links (hopefully) over the next ten days. Maybe eleven days, or twenty-eight, we'll see. They aren't going to be in any particular order, just random favourites I think of.

Here's the first one.

The Christian Pundit - Dying to Self

I think this actually might be my number one favourite; it's just jam-packed with truths to read over and over again so as to saturate your mind in it and live it out.

I also love this blog, the writers are fantastic people and their posts are always a good read. I might be posting another one of my favourites from them as one of the ten links.

Anyways, it's been too long, so I thought I better get going on something.

18 days until spring ya'll. Hang in there.