Saturday 9 March 2013

Link #7

I really like this post. I just really like it.

Practical Theology for Women: The Value of Quiet Husbands

There is so much to be said for a guy who doesn't say much, but who doesn't need to either. Some guys have great character along with talking, but the guy I admire has great quality, and words spoken only in necessity and wisdom. Quiet people take time and effort to get to know, but often it is really worth it. It's easy to like someone who can chat on and on and make the atmosphere really relaxed, but not necessarily beneficial. It takes getting to know a quiet person to learn that they really are awesome. And this doesn't just go for guys, I appreciate the quiet, word-wise woman as well.

Well, had an amazing afternoon with my cousin. Now to spring ahead... YUSSSSS!!!!


  1. I like it too.
    I am not a quiet person - but I have friends who tend toward the opposite side. And it is totally true - they are the ones who can interrupt me from a 15 minute blahblahblah rant with a sentence of wisdom that shuts me up with the truth of it! They are very valuable to have around! :)
    I'm curious too - do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovort, Lauren?

  2. I would probably go with extrovert, although I can be very to myself in some situations. Maybe moody would be a better answer ;)

    Oh, and I am so happy you guys are planning to come to the retreat! So excited! :)

  3. Ha - yes. Moody is probably the best answer for every female. ;)

    I'm excited too!
