Monday, 30 September 2013

growin' up

Wonderful things happen when you grow up.

Like this.

But in the same token, it's sad. Bitter sweet I should say. 

Yes, my big brother is on his way to his dream, but it's not really a dream without teary good byes, or worry-filled nights, or long distance phone calls to make sure he arrived safely. 

I don't want our family to live 24 hour drives apart, or even in different provinces. I don't want us to grow up. Ever. 

But that is exactly how our family started. My mom moved away; far, far away from home at just 18. She worked for my dad's dad. She met my dad wearing a toque while eating his cereal. She married him anyways and didn't take very good care of his red car. So they sold it. And had big brother, middle me, and little brother. 

I can't not wish this on anyone. It's wonderful. It's beautiful. 

So even though it's hard seeing wings spread and take flight, I wouldn't be here if my mom didn't do it. Even though it's hard, it can bring about something wonderful. I just can't wait to get past the hard and get to the wonderful.  

And then other things happen when you grow up. 

Like this. 

But those are other worried-filled nights that I'll get into later.

Friday, 27 September 2013

stop 'n' go - on repeat

That's all I've been doing.

Up the drive way. Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Stall. Restart. Go.

Then reverse.


Back up.

Don't hit flower pot. Or patio. Or dog.

Stop. Go. Stop. Go.

And so after 12.5793 minutes, 35.295 stalls (because a reverse stall doesn't count all the way; I can't see where I'm going!), and probably an additional 3058 more skid-marks on the drive-way, I finally had more than 6 consecutive stop 'n' go's with no stalling.

Now to do under the pressure of Kentville traffic. Oh boy.

BUT, I must prove to my little (little!!) brother that I can do this just as smoothly as he can. After all, it's my car.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

kitty cat

I love my kitties.

They can be so photogenic. 

And then not. 

And then sometimes they get their hair styled with hair gel. Ultimate hold sport hair gel.

And don't forget about this guy. He's pretty special too.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

This Fall

This fall is going to be special.

Actually, it already is.

Reason #1 - I'm home. I wasn't last year and it wasn't the easiest. Now I'm home. Watching the leaves fall at home. Watching the colours change in my hometown. Spending cozy evenings with my family. None of which happened last year. Yup, I'm a home body.

Reason #2 - No school. First fall with no school to do. I don't mind. I get to read whatever at my own pace and just enjoy it. I get to write for the fun of it with no handing in and getting back and wincing at the number preceding the percentage sign.

Reason #3 - I'm getting a car. Sorta. My parents are so great. Actually, it's happening today: standard lessons and all. I'm doomed. No. My dad is doomed. And the car.

Reason #4 - So I can't say I like my job, but it's bearable when you go to part time. :) And then you fill in the rest of those days with picking apples alongside of good friends, and rotten apple fights, (!!!) and coffee shops and kitties.

Reason #5 - This actually isn't the most pleasant thing to think of, but this fall better be great because it may be the last one that our family will spend together. It is the first fall in two years where all of us kids are at home, and it could very likely be the last. It is the last fall of homeschooling in this household, and that probably means another empty bedroom in a year's time.

Reason #6 - It is another season to reflect upon growth and joy. Every season is more wonderful because every season we get closer to Home. Closer to the Maker of our Home. Closer to complete knowledge and understanding of grace.

Reason 7 - Oh, and this fall also marks the first official graduation in our home. Excitement.

to blog or not to blog

You know you need to work on something when you know it yourself and then someone tells you to. I knew I needed to blog more, but then someone told me so.

And it doesn't help that I have about a thousand drafts that are forever old and I can't really even remember what they are supposed to be about.

Actually it's about four drafts not even two months old and I think I really just lost interest in what I was writing about at that moment.

While I do feel like I should blog more, I know that this is supposed to be a thing of leisure. Blog about whatever, whenever. No pressure. Right? Right. Not.

There is one blog I read where the sole writer posts nearly every day, writes more than a few paragraphs, and almost always makes me laugh or think or cry.

I can tell you right now I have no hope nor desire to aspire to that, but I do intend to pick up the slack around here and get blogging.

I think. Oh dear...

Saturday, 14 September 2013



um, the keyboard, and the words I am typing out.


sizzling pancakes, and someone banging upstairs. Oh, and crickets, I can hear the crickets. I love this time of year.


double chocolate cookies... complements of soon-to-be-police-academy-graduate big brother. And I can't stop.


about a lot of things. About setting the table and calling in father for supper. And apples. I can't wait to pick apples. And have rotten apple fights like we used to in the good old days. I think I'll write a post on that.


The Lord of The Rings. Or trying to.


this post. It's supper time. Farewell.

Saturday, 7 September 2013


I guess if I really had to decide I always labeled myself as an extrovert - because I knew how to be chatty. But then I read this article.

And I sorta changed my mind.

I still don't think I am a 'real' introvert. I love my friends and family, and I love a little social time. It was interesting to learn that there are a few different types of introverts, and it was also a bit relieving to have an explanation for my love of solitude.

NOTE: not that I needed to be assured that I was normal for loving solitude, I just thought I was a bit crazy for needing that balance.

Anyways, interesting read. Check it out. Maybe you're an introvert. :)