Tuesday 24 September 2013

This Fall

This fall is going to be special.

Actually, it already is.

Reason #1 - I'm home. I wasn't last year and it wasn't the easiest. Now I'm home. Watching the leaves fall at home. Watching the colours change in my hometown. Spending cozy evenings with my family. None of which happened last year. Yup, I'm a home body.

Reason #2 - No school. First fall with no school to do. I don't mind. I get to read whatever at my own pace and just enjoy it. I get to write for the fun of it with no handing in and getting back and wincing at the number preceding the percentage sign.

Reason #3 - I'm getting a car. Sorta. My parents are so great. Actually, it's happening today: standard lessons and all. I'm doomed. No. My dad is doomed. And the car.

Reason #4 - So I can't say I like my job, but it's bearable when you go to part time. :) And then you fill in the rest of those days with picking apples alongside of good friends, and rotten apple fights, (!!!) and coffee shops and kitties.

Reason #5 - This actually isn't the most pleasant thing to think of, but this fall better be great because it may be the last one that our family will spend together. It is the first fall in two years where all of us kids are at home, and it could very likely be the last. It is the last fall of homeschooling in this household, and that probably means another empty bedroom in a year's time.

Reason #6 - It is another season to reflect upon growth and joy. Every season is more wonderful because every season we get closer to Home. Closer to the Maker of our Home. Closer to complete knowledge and understanding of grace.

Reason 7 - Oh, and this fall also marks the first official graduation in our home. Excitement.


  1. This post is all bittersweet and tangy like Fall itself! Can I also say I'm excited for this new blogging schedule you're on? Your writing is always lovely and I enjoy it tremendously!

    1. Thanks Olivia :) And same to you guys! I always look forward to a new post on Burnt Suppers!

  2. Girly, I'm crying. But that might be because I'm exhausted (but also very homesick)
    I love fall and you and home and I'll see you in a couple weeks!
