Tuesday 12 November 2013

currently #3


the wet snow fall. We keep on getting these little snow falls that melt in 24 hours, so we've practically had spring three times in two weeks. In November. But it's still cozy, and exciting, and wintery. And kinda purty, don't you think?

having a hard time believing...

that it is nearly inevitable that my big brother goes to Regina for six months to become an RCMP officer. Today was his last test and a pass is pretty much an acceptance. He passed. Oh my. He just isn't a little kiddo any more. None of us are, I guess. Just once in awhile you get a rude awakening. No, this isn't a rude awakening. It's tremendous and overwhelming. 


a sugar-free diet for one month with my mom. It has undoubtedly not been sugar free, but more sugar free than normal. It feels good, except when you indulge a bit. Last night I laughed so hard after a milk shake and cookies I almost lost that milk shake and those cookies. Today was back to dates and natural peanut butter and tea. 

[impatiently] waiting...

for Thursday, 2:50 PM. My jaw spreader is coming out. I guess the dentist determined my mouth was big enough now, so they are going to take out this honking big piece of plastic and metal out from the roof of my mouth. I'll be able to say my 's's again! And not get driven crazy by food stuck in the appliance. I'm sorry, that was gross, wasn't it? 


something to hang on the wall. I just realized I don't really even know what to call this project until a few seconds ago when I was about to type it out. And all I could come up with was 'something to hang on the wall.' Anyways, it's pallet wood, slightly sanded, with a wonderful quote painted on it with white primer. I still haven't quite figured out how I'm going to do the painting part of it yet but it'll come. I promise a picture when it is done. 
Oh, and I have also picked up some knitting again. It's kind of a wintery thing to do, and I needed a project. Conclusion: knit a scarf. 


of nothing else to say, so I guess that's it for now. I'm also thinking the next post or the second next post will be something my friend and I have been working on for quite some time now, and it's getting close to done. So stay tuned! 

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