Saturday 2 November 2013

it was a good week

I had a good week.

Is that bragging? Sometimes I feel when people say "I had a good week" or "I had a good day" they are saying "I have the power to make my day good and I did. So there."

I'm sorry, I'm not bragging. I just had a pretty good week.

Not the frozen hands while picking apples part. Or the waking up 3:50 a.m. for work and scraping off my car in the dark part. But those are actually pretty good things too. I'm thankful that I can get up to go to work, and for the crisp fall air.

No; the things which made my week a good week were the following.

I half partly barely assisted in an emergency c-section on a cow. Okay. I really just watched it. But it was so amazing. The first calf came out and my brothers and I and the farmer had to rub it to keep the circulation going.

And then something else was moving.


So we got that one out and I got so disgustingly dirty and cold and it was so amazing. Life is beautiful.

Another good thing was I helped some good friends complete their apple harvest. It was fun. My back is sore. Then some crazy boys went swimming to celebrate. They froze. Mostly because it took my friend and I too long to tow in the raft that they were standing on and the air was pretty crisp.

I also went to my grandparents' place for supper and I realized how important these times are. They teach me so much and don't even know it. They worked far harder than I imagine I will ever work in my entire life. My Oma struggled with homesickness when she left her home in Holland to raise a family in Canada with my Opa far more than I did at college: a mere 24 hour drive from home. They had less privileges and yet more fun than a lot of young people today. And they are so cute, and funny. And Oma is a good cook. And Opa is a good story teller. If I pay well attention.

And today is my first lazy Saturday off in forever and a half. And it's sunny. And it's November. I'm staying home. I refuse to get into a vehicle. Wild horses won't make me do it.

Whoa. I just looked up from my laptop and one of the cats was glaring at me.

Now his eyes are closed around his chubby little cheeks.

And I must be going. The daylight calls. I am so excited.


  1. I always feel that I'm saying something wrong when I tell people about my awesome day/kids/life. Like it's a social faux pas to be so happy. Weird, eh? I even don't like to share my blessings for prayers of thanks, because it feels like I'm sticking my good fortune in the face of the unfortunate. I wonder if it's one of Satan's tricks; to keep us from gratitude, or encouraging others' gratitude.?

    1. oh that's deep. Sometimes I think it might be fear, having our efforts to be positive beaten down with pessimism. Or maybe that's pride, too.

      thanks for the thoughts!
