Saturday 6 September 2014


Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

So, obviously, if we want to express love, are we not to go to the greatest expression of love in the history of this world? And how is that act expressed? In the Cross. The Cross of Christ. 

We say this is the greatest act of love in history, and yet, we are not even aware of just how great. We may try to comprehend, but I don't believe we can. We cannot comprehend just how sinful we are. We cannot comprehend just how perfect and holy and righteous Christ is. We cannot fathom the degree of degradation for Christ to humble Himself to become man. We can't. We just cannot. And if we cannot comprehend those things, how in the world are to understand this sacrifice? We understand the degree of sacrifice it is for one to give their day off to help the neighbour, and we can even understand the sacrifice of a parent for a child, even unto death. We can get that. We can see, and feel that amount of love. But what we have no clue about is Christ's love for us. Yes, we love us, we love each other, but can I ask you something? How much do you love a worm? Would you die for a worm? Would you? 

I wouldn't. 

But He did. 

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