Tuesday 2 September 2014


So I was laying in bed last night. 

No, seriously, I was.

Incredible? Right?

Actually, it was my new bed. Well, new to me. It's giant. I love it.

And I was thinking about my blog. And about my spare time while I am at college. And about all of those thoughts and ideas and arguments with self that I had over the summer. Really, what else are you supposed to do during a 10 hour weeding job? Not just weed, let me tell you.

I had already decided I was going to blog more once I was done work. You may have noticed that I slacked over the summer. Or you may not have. Hehe...

I am a pinterester, very much so. And I have a great many quotes and wise words and Scripture verses pinned up on there. And they are all so beautiful, and they are labled "remember this"... but I never do.

But I want to. So here's my idea. I am going to take each pin, each quote, each verse and dig in. Some more than others, I am sure.

I have no idea if I will last... I mean, there's 163 of them... and that number gets bigger every week. But I am going to give it a go.

Ready, set...