Friday 5 September 2014

keep close

... go

We recently had a guest preacher filling in for our own minister who was on vacation. Out of the near two hours that he preached, this is what I remembered. Is there anything between your heart and Jesus's heart? Are you hugging the world? And is it blocking the way between Christ's heart and yours? 

That's... scary. Because it is so easy. It's so easy for me to put off devotions for a few extra minutes of sleep or study. It is so easy to let my mind wander to things 'not above' and forget to meditate on grace. It's so easy to try and take matters into my own hands and forget to pray. PRAY. I do that a lot; I'm a control freak. 

Another easy-to-fall-into-trap, (for me personally) is putting my family and friends before God.  Honestly, I think about them far more than I do about God. I have more worry for them than faith that God is in control.

BUT, that's where my faith is weak. That is where I need to start walking closer to God.  

And can I say that this? The things that we don't want to come in between us and God are not necessarily to be disposed of... they are simply to be the after-thought, and seen through our walk with God. Obviously, don't dispose of your family, but have faith for them and love them through the Gospel. Make your walk with God seen in the world, and don't let the world into your walk. 

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