Saturday 15 December 2012

Day Twelve

Day 12: summary of first semester

I never thought I'd get here.

Well, I'm here, writing this blog post on my journey home. It's been pretty crazy, the final exam yesterday, and a crazy afternoon to follow. Woke up this morning, quick ride to the train station, went on a train and a subway for the first time. Explored down town Toronto, and spent this afternoon with some pretty crazy, amazing people.

Now I am heading home. Oh, I am so excited.

This first semester at Gillespie was like nothing I have ever experienced. It was so different, it was so good, it was hard too. I cried, I laughed, I got tired, I worried, all about things I had never cried, laughed, got tired, or worried about before. I have met some amazing people, learned some astounding things about that which I put my faith in, and sometimes felt like my brain would blow up; and this was only half of it. They say next year is harder, but I take that as more amazing, more knowledge, all the better for me. (At least I try to take it like that)

Well, I'm ready to go home. I'm ready for a break, I'm ready to see my family, my friends, my church family, and those furry little things that I have missed so much. I miss Nova Scotia, the country, familiarity, and home.

 Home, here I come.

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